Innovation. Openness. Professionalism.

Financial Modelling

Life cycle costing, CAPEX / OPEX estimations, Construction Estimates, IRR


Financial Modelling

Financial modelling is a vital tool for assessing the economic viability of a project and in determining whether or not the project is capable of servicing debt and operating expenses following capital investment. The modelling output is also used in the structuring of a repayment profile and to assess the risks associated with project finance (the investment).

Models are built for a base case scenario and a sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine the effects that any alterations to the various input variables will have on key outputs, namely IRR and NPV. At Nurizon we have undertaken a number of financial evaluations for mining and airport clients, although our expertise can be extended to any construction project. Inputs to the model are project specific and this service benefits from the experience of our key personnel’s in areas of expertise.

In addition to our portfolio of financial modelling services, Nurizon have arranged successful grant funding through the South African Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) Capital Projects Feasibility Programme and other investment partners, including the Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA).


Financial Modelling Services

Capital expenditure modelling
Maintenance and operational cost analysis
Operational expenditure modelling
Net present value and payback analysis
Whole life cost modelling
Asset renewal analysis

Project showcase